Welcome to an artfully fun, friendly and nurturing place for creative and curious kids, teens, and adults! Discover, explore, learn, meet friends, unplug and express yourself through making art.
Artists of all ages and skill levels experience a variety of engaging and thought provoking art inspirations, materials, techniques and skill building.
Artists work and learn at their own pace, with lots of individual support, to bring their own art ideas to life from concept to completion.
Emphasis is on building confidence, life skills and self expression through the creative process of art + discovery in our nurturing, empowering, artist driven and collaborative studio environment.
BEGINNINGS Must be potty independent, no tears drop off 3pm - 3:45pm see schedule for days offered Click Sign Up button to check availability and pricing
Beginnings is all about nurturing budding artists creativity, curiosity, imagination, self expression, fine motor skills, collaboration and confidence through fun hands on process and sensory based art experiences – invitations to create – focusing on the doing and discovering vs. a directed finished product. Drawing, painting, clay sculpting and more. Artists get to learn and make art in their own way and at their own pace with a wide variety of engaging art materials, tools and inspirations along with rich vocabulary and lively thought provoking discussion. This is the original core Oodle Monkey Art + Discovery Studio program that joyfully started it all so many years ago!
EXPLORATION K - 3rd grade 4:15pm - 5:30pm see schedule for days offered Click Sign Up button to check availability and pricing
Creative and curious artists will become bold art explorers in this fun, active, skill building and empowering mixed media art experience! Drawing, painting, clay sculpting and more. Artists will get to work with an abundance of engaging materials - independently and in collaboration with fellow artists. A nurturing and fun mix of open ended process art plus inspiring guided projects with lots of freedom for artists to express their unique selves.
MAKER SPACE...New! Winter 2025 3rd - 5th grade 5:45pm - 7pm Our studio Maker Space is one of the most popular areas of the studio and we're excited to offer these new classes focused solely on Maker Space art projects. Artists will drive their own art making ideas from concept to completion. Makers will be provided a variety of engaging building materials and learn more advanced use of construction tools and techniques.
DISCOVERY 3rd - 5th grade 5:45pm - 7pm see schedule for days offered Click Sign Up button to check availability and pricing
Creative and curious artists take art exploration to the next level starting to develop their own art concepts and working through the creative process to completed original artwork in this fun, active, skill building and empowering mixed media art experience! Drawing, painting, clay sculpting, and more. Artists will be introduced to inspiring artists and movements and get to work with an abundance of engaging materials, tools and techniques to broaden their influences and skills. Artists work independently and in collaboration with fellow artists.
CHOICE STUDIO 6th - 8th grade 5:45pm - 7pm see schedule for days offered Click Sign Up button to check availability and pricing
Choice Studio is for creative and curious artists who love to come up with their own art making ideas and thrive working more independently or in small groups. We’ll nurture artists through the creative process and fuel their inspirations with thought provoking discussions, studio resource materials and exposure to artists and artworks from classical to contemporary. A fun, social, skill building and self expressive experience. Artists will be free to safely use age appropriate art materials and tools from our well stocked studio shelves. Draw, paint, clay, collage, mosaic, sewing, and more!
Some of Our Studio Influences
Payment is due same day as online Sign Up to reserve space. If paying by check, received within 3 business days. Unpaid Sign Ups may be cancelled and space given to a waitlist artist.
Missed Studio Time Artists are offered one make up class per session. No make ups for missed workshops/camps. If your artist is absent from class, please email us for make up day options on another age appropriate studio day, based on availability.
Cancellations should be emailed to OodleMonkeyArt@gmail.com. If cancellation notice is received prior to the class/workshop/camp start date and the space can be filled by another artist, you will receive a refund.
Release of Liability and Photo/Video/Social Media Release Your sign up for Oodle Monkey Art + Discovery Studio "OMADS" classes, camps, workshops, parties, events, activities deems that you agree to release and hold harmless "OMADS" from any liability of injury, damage or loss of property. Your sign up also deems that you allow "OMADS" to take and share photos, videos, and commentary of and/or related to you, your artist and artworks for "OMADS" related educational, promotional and gallery display purposes.